Motorcycle Trip from Washington State to Newport, OR October 02, 2021

A playlist of all of the videos from the ride from October 2 thru October 8, 2021.

Riding down U.S. Route 101 you have amazing seaside scenery quite a bit of the time and some good twisties. It is one of those 'classic' highways. There are rock slides and part of the road out at different times so check your route to make sure the part you want to take is open first.

Within the first hour of the trip I was reminded TWICE that I AM INVISIBLE (as are all motorcycle riders).

Around lunch time we approached the Astoria-Megler Bridge that crosses the Columbia River at Astoria, an AMAZING 4+ mile long bridge, right before you get to the bridge there is a pull out (and a rest room :-)) on the left going towards the bridge that lets you see across the Columbia River to Astoria:

A video of riding along the huge beautiful Columbia river. When you approach the bridge there is a small park, Dismal Nitch, to the left (with restrooms) that lets you see the river and the bridge. Finally, you cross over the Astoria-Megler Bridge.

Lunch was at a nice restaurant Bridgewater Bistro, there is always good food and a good selection. After lunch heading down U.S. Route 101. Here and there you climb up and drop back down (see altitude chart below) . Lots of pullouts on the right to see the ocean and a gift of surprise twisties (as seen in this video)suddenly appears. Hopefully you aren't behind a slow driver :-).

We stopped at Silver Point outlook to look at the view:

Another look out at the ocean from a difference view at Silver Point:

For the most part down this portion of U.S. Route 101 you go through small towns (stop and go) but you also have stretches of beaches and sea off to the right. AND coffee, always lots of artisan coffee. This is a view of the ocean as as I ride past the beaches going into Agate Beach.

The final stop and lodgings for the night was Agate Beach:

Motorcycle Trip From Washington down Highway 101 to the Redwoods

Any questions or comments send me e-mail
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Elevations for this ride so you can predict how cold you may get or if you may need to take breaks for altitude changes. Y Axis is altitude feet, X Axis is Miles travelled: