Motorcycle Music For The Ride

I have two 'groups' of music I listen to while riding. No, no commentary on my taste in music is needed. Yes, it is very eclectic.
My podcasts: And my individual songs that I load on my phone.

Below is the software I use. I sample the music down to 128 kbps using ffmpeg. I then fix the volume using mp3gain:
ffmpeg command line --> This samples down to 128 k Bits per second and removes and long 'silences' from the music. Downsampling to 128 kbps allows me to store more music on the phone and because of the ride that is probably as good a sound as I am going to get. Cutting out the silences help me to hear that the music is still playing and hasn't stopped:

ffmpeg -i <input file> -ab 128k -id3v2_version 3 -af silenceremove=0:0:0:-1:1:-40dB <outputfile>.mp3

mp3gain command line --> MP3Gain keeps the music all at the same 'volume' so that I am not constantly readjusting the volume and bumps up the volume just a little so I can hear it better. Not that I don't have to readjust the volume, just not as frequently:

C:\PROGRA~2\MP3Gain\mp3gain.exe -c -p -r -d 6.5 <outputfile>.mp3

I have an Android phone with VLC loaded as it met several requirements:

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Any questions or comments send me e-mail
Username = "GandalfDDI"
E-Mail = "Outlook.Com"
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