Motorcycle Trip Staying in Richfield, UT Visiting Capitol Reef National Park 2019-06-04

A playlist of all of the videos from the ride from May 30 thru June 14th.

We stayed in Richfield, UT and drove to Capitol Reef National Park. In retrospect there are several towns MUCH closer to Capitol Reef Park that we could have stayed in as opposed to riding 75 miles each way, our lesson is your lesson. Beautiful weather all day long so a ride was not bad anyway.

You have to take trips to learn how to discuss trips and learn how 'things' work. For riding versus 'no riding days' we settled on riding two or 3 days (maximum) on the bike / on the road and a hike / get off the bike for a day or two. Rose gets claustrophobic all wrapped up in full gear and a helmet. She needs a day off every now and then. I could ride for days on end, but it is important to have her along also so we make adjustments so that we BOTH enjoy the vacation :-)

This is a ride down State Road 119 into Capitol Reef. Capitol Reef got its name because of the large dome rock (8 minutes into the video) that looked like the United States Capitol and ridges that surround the park that are impassable 'reefs'

With Capitol Reef you are squarely in the semi-arid desert. BE SURE to follow admonishments about carrying water, printing a trail guide and the 10 essentials with you. We saw people hiking the trails with just a small water bottle for a several hours / several mile hike, don't be that person.

The Capitol Reef National Park is amazing vibrant colors of red and yellow. In this park we hiked to our first Arch, Hickman Natural Bridge.

We went by the visitors information center and picked up some information about the trails that were available. We decided to walk the Hickman Natural Bridge Trail. This is a picture of looking down the trail to the start of the trail and at the Capitol Dome:

This is looking up the trail, Rose is walking away from me:

This is a shot of Hickman Bridge. One of my multiple shot pictures spliced together as a panorama because I was right under the arch, no good place to back up and get a shot:

Coming back down the trail there was this beautiful shot looking across the road from one side to the other embakement. The road is so far below you can just barly see the cut through the road makes:

We went back to Richfield NV and settled in for the night, which is why the below elevation map looks like a mirror of itself.

While getting settled in, as always, I struck up a conversation with one of the hotel guests about their motorcycle. He reached into his bag and gave me a VERY nice Motorcycle themed 'Challenge Coin'. I am a Military Brat but these coins were relatively new to me, I only heard about them a few years ago at work. Again, the people you meet on the road that talk motorcycles is part of the trip and makes the trip more memorable to me. Amazing Detailed work on the coin:

Motorcycle Trip To The Moab

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Elevations for this ride so you can predict how cold you may get or if you may need to take breaks for altitude changes. Y Axis is altitude feet, X Axis is Miles travelled: