Motorcycle Trip Through The Passes In The Washington State Cascade Range

ALWAYS check the pass driving conditions before embarking. Maintain EXTREME vigilance about the temperature, when I rode across SR 2 I learned the lesson. When I reached 60 MPH and it dropped to 40 Deg F wearing just a hoodie my teeth started chattering. Lesson learned.

There are 6 passes across Washington State, all of them have gorgeous views. Spectacular all year around but best in April when the snow caps are still on the mountains. Of course you MUST be aware of road conditions in the early spring, see above driving conditions link. Many of the passes require chains during Winter and Spring. Chinook / Cayuse pass, specifically, do not typically open before the end of May. There is a historical table of pass openings, as the saying goes 'your mileage may vary'.

I have provided a GPX file to download of all 6 passes, either click or right click on Motorcycle_Cascade_6_Passes.gpx to download. This will load into any Garmin or Garmin compatible device.
The passes top to bottom are: Or you can click on the title in the below map:

Motorcycle Trips

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